ALICE, produced at Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
TERMINAL, was produced at the Rhino Theatre in New Jersey as part of their 4th Annual One-Act Jamboree Festival, and was a semi-finalist for the 10th Annual One-Act play contest First Stages, Hollywood. It was subsequently produced at Manhattan Repertory theatre.
PAST PERFECT, a full-length play, Equity showcase Manhattan Repertory Theatre. Several performances added as benefits for various LGBTQ organizations.
THE UNVEILING, semi-finalist, Stanley Drama award. Mainstage production, Arena Players Repertory Theater, New York.
ATTACHMENT, a full-length play, was developed and produced at Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
THE FALLEN, The Looking Glass Theater Manhattan, workshop production, voted audience favorite for that weekend.
THE FAIL, a ten-minute play, produced at the North Park Playwright Festival in San Diego California.
UNDERTOW, semi-finalist, (top 20 of 300 worldwide submissions), Lakeshore 10-Minute Play Contest.
RAWSHOCK, a full-length play, Equity showcase was developed and produced by Manhattan Repertory Theatre and performed at Chain Theatre for a 3 week limited engagement run.
Staged Readings: THE FALLEN and IMPRINT, both at Abingdon Theatre, New York.